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Report No. 242

The Prohibition of Unlawful Assembly (Interference with the Freedom of Matrimonial Alliances) Bill, 2011

[An Act to deal with conduct endangering life and liberty of persons in matrimonial alliances]

Statement of Objects and Reasons:

There has been a spurt in illegal intimidation by self appointed bodies for bringing pressure against Sagotra marriages and inter-caste, inter-community and inter-religious marriages between two consenting adults in the name of vindicating the honour of family, caste or community. In a number of cases, such bodies have resorted to incitement of violence and such newly married or couples desirous of getting married have been subjected to intimidation and violence which has also resulted into their being hounded out of their homes and sometimes even murdered.

Although such intimidation or acts of violence constitute offences under Indian Penal Code, yet, it is necessary to prevent assemblies which take place to condemn such alliances and to prescribe more severe punishment for such intimidatory or violent acts or acts imperiling the liberty of individual. This Act is, therefore, enacted to nip the evil in the bud and to prevent spreading of hatred or incitement of violence through such gatherings. The Act is designed to constitute special offences against such assemblies and is in addition to other offences under the Indian Penal Code.

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