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Report No. 248

24. Laws Local Extent Act, Act 15 of 1874

Category: State Reorganisation and Extension of Laws

Recommendation: Repeal in consultation with relevant state(s)

The Act declares the territorial extent of certain laws passed by the Legislative Council of India and the Council of the Governor General of India. There are five Schedules to this Act which enumerate the laws applicable to the whole of British India, to the Bombay, Madras, Bengal Presidencies, and to the North-Western Provinces of the Presidency of Fort William in Bengal.

The territorial divisions dealt with in this Act existed prior to 1947, and have no relevance to the modern day demarcation of States. The territorial applicability of laws is now determined under newer laws such as the State Reorganisation Acts. Hence, this Act can be repealed subject to factual verification that a law in force does not solely depend on this Act for its applicability. This Act has also been recommended for repeal by the PC Jain Commission in its Appendix A-1.


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