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Report No. 248

21. Dehra Dun Act, Act 21 of 1871

Category: State Reorganisation and Extension of Laws

Recommendation: Repeal in consultation with state(s)

The Act was enacted to give validity within Dehradun to the operation of general Regulations and Acts in force in Saharanpur. This was done because the territory of Dehradun was on several occasions moved from one jurisdiction to another by various legislative enactments.

The 148th Law Commission Report, 1993 considered but did not recommend repeal of this Act observing that territorial changes made in a particular year do not render redundant all enactments passed earlier, in order to deal with the consequences of any territorial changes that may have raised legal issues.

However, Dehradun is now the capital of the State of Uttarakhand and all laws enacted by the Uttarakhand Legislative Assembly would have application to Dehradun. Further, more than 140 years have passed since the enactment of this Statute, for the resolution of legal consequences. Hence, this Act can be repealed.


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