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Report No. 143

Annexure 'G'

U.P. Mathur,
Secretary, CLB.

DO No. 1/91/Misc/CLB
Government of India,
Ministry of Industry,
Department of Company Affairs
(Company Law Board.),
New Delhi
30th May, 1991

Dear Shri Kankan,

Kindly refer to your DO No. 5/LC(LH), dated 23rd May, 1991, regarding exercise of suo moto powers under section 58A(9) of the Companies Act, 1956 in respect of M/s. Ambalal Sarabhai Enterprises Limited, Baroda.

2. The Regional Bench of the Company Law Board at Bombay gave a hearing to the company on 16-54991 and the written submission made by the company vide their letter dated 25-5-1991 is enclosed for information. A copy of the Order, as and when passed by the Bench, will be forwarded to the Law Commission.

With regards

Yours sincerely
(U.P. Mathur)

Encl: As above.

Shri K.C. Kankan,
Consultant-Joint Secretary & Law Officer,
Ministry of Law and Justice,
Department of Legal Affairs,
Law Commission,
Shastri Bhavan,
New Delhi.


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