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Report No. 60

3.23. Section 3(16)-"Consular Officer".-

Section 3(16) defines the expression "Consular Officer". There has been an international Convention on the subject. In the light of the provisions of the relevant convention1, we recommend that the expression 'consular officer' should be re-defined as follows2:

"Consular Officer" shall mean any person entrusted with the exercise of consular functions, irrespective of his designation, and shall include Consul-General, Consul, Vice-Consul and Consular Agent.

1. Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, 1963, Article 1(1)(d).

2. The draft is based on the Ministry of External Affairs' letter (S. No. 207) No. D-2319 L&T/63 (No. 4/451(2) 63 dated 6-3-1963, to the Law Commission.

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