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Report No.264

Chapter -II

Judgement of the Supreme Court

2. While dealing with a writ petition filed in public interest highlighting the menace of growing sales of adulterated and synthetic milk in different parts of the country and the inability of concerned State Governments and the Union to take effective measures for combating the adulteration of milk with hazardous substances, the Supreme Court (supra) directed the Central Government to come up with suitable amendments in the Food Act and the IPC. Reiterating its stance in its orders dated 5.12.2013 and 10.12.2014, the Court highlighted that, 'it was desirable to make penal provisions of IPC at par with the provisions contained in the State Amendments made by Odisha, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal, wherein the punishment for adulteration of food and products is enhanced to imprisonment for life and also fine'.2 Further, it suggested that it was desirable if the Union of India revisits the Food Act, revise the punishment for adulteration making it more deterrent in cases where the adulterant can have adverse impact on health.


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