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Report No. 253

(6) Powers of the Court in a Case Management Hearing. - (1) In any case management hearing held under this Order, the Court shall have the power to -

(a) prior to the framing of issues, hear and decide any pending application filed by the parties under Order XIII-A;

(b) direct parties to file compilations of documents or pleadings relevant and necessary for framing issues;

(c) extend or shorten the time for compliance with any practice direction or Court order if it finds sufficient reason to do so;

(d) adjourn or bring forward a hearing if it finds sufficient reason to do so;

(e) direct a party to attend the Court for the purposes of examination under Rule 2 of Order X;

(f) consolidate proceedings;

(g) strike off the name of any witness or evidence that it deems irrelevant to the issues framed;

(h) direct a separate trial of any issue;

(i) decide the order in which issues are to be tried;

(j) exclude an issue from consideration;

(k) dismiss or give judgment on a claim after a decision on a preliminary issue;

(l) direct that evidence be recorded by a commission where necessary in accordance with Order XXVI.

(m) reject any affidavit of evidence filed by the parties for containing irrelevant, inadmissible or argumentative material.

(n) strike off any parts of the affidavit of evidence filed by the parties containing irrelevant, inadmissible or argumentative material.

(o) delegate the recording of evidence to such authority appointed by the Court for this purpose

(p) pass any order relating to the monitoring of recording the evidence by a commission or any other authority.

(q) order any party to file and exchange a costs budget;

(r) issue directions or pass any order for the purpose of managing the case and furthering the overriding objective of ensuring the efficient disposal of the suit.

(2) When the Court passes an order in exercise of its powers under this Order, it may -

(a) make it subject to conditions, including a condition to pay a sum of money into Court; and

(b) specify the consequence of failure to comply with the order or a condition.

(3) While fixing the date for a Case Management Hearing, the Court may direct that the parties also be present for such case management hearing, if it is of the view that there is a possibility of settlement between the parties.


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