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Report No. 253

(2) Orders to be passed in a Case Management Hearing. - In a Case Management Hearing, after hearing the parties, and once it finds that there are issues of fact and law which require to be tried, the Court may pass an order:

(a) Framing the issues between the parties in accordance with Order XIV of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 after examining pleadings, documents and documents produced before it, and on examination conducted by the Court under Rule 2 of Order X, if required,

(b) Listing witnesses to be examined by the parties,

(c) Fixing the date by which affidavit of evidence to be filed by parties,

(d) Fixing the dates on which evidence of the witnesses of the parties to be recorded,

(e) Fixing the date by which written arguments are to be filed before the Court by the parties,

(f) Fixing the date on which oral arguments are to be heard by the Court, and

(g) Setting time limits for parties and/or their advocates to address oral arguments.


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