M/S Somaiya
Organics (India) Ltd. Vs. State of Uttar Pradesh & Anr [2001] Insc 219 (17 April 2001)
Pal Ruma Pal, J
C.A.No.2853 of 2001(@ SLP(C) No.20018 of 1991)
I respectfully concur with the reasoning and conclusions reached by my learned
brother Kirpal, J., I wish to add my views on an aspect of the prospective
over-ruling which was sought to be effected by the decision of the Constitution
Bench of this Court in Synthetics and Chemicals Ltd. and Others vs. State of
U.P. and others 1990 (1) SCC 109.
One of
the arguments of the appellant as noted by my learned brother was that the
Court in the Synthetics case by resorting to prospective over-ruling had in a
fact sought to uphold a law upto the period of the judgment which law had held
to have been passed without competence. It is submitted that the finding that
the States were not competent to levy tax on industrial alcohol meant that the
State Acts were non est and that the Court could not by giving prospective
effect to its judgment breathe life into a dead statute up to the date of the
judgment. It was also contended by the appellant that even under Article 142,
the Court could not whittle down or act in derogation of any constitutional
provision. By declaring that the statute was valid up to the date of the
judgment, according to the appellant, the specific constitutional provisions,
namely, Articles 246 and Article 245 were infringed. Reliance has been placed
on the decision of this Court in Prem Chand Garg vs. Excise Commissioner, U.P.,
Allahabad 1963 (1) SCR 885 and Supreme Court Bar Association V. Union of India
and Another 1998 (4) SCC 409.
argument of the appellant proceeds on a misunderstanding of the effect of prospective
As has
been elaborately stated in my learned brothers judgment, by prospective
over-ruling the Court does not grant the relief claimed even after holding in
the claimants favour. In this case, the Court held that the statutory provision
imposing vend fee was invalid. Strictly speaking, this would have entitled the
appellant to a refund from the respondents of all amounts collected by way of
vend fee. But because, as stated in the Synthetics decision itself, over a
period of time imposts and levies had been imposed by virtue of the earlier
decision and that the States as well as the petitioners and manufacturers had
adjusted their rights and their positions on that basis, this relief was
denied. The Court did not, by denying the relief, authorise or validate what
had been declared to be illegal or void nor did it imbue the legislature with
competence upto the date of the judgment.