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Sashastra Seema Bal Act, 2007

21. Absence without leave.

Any person subject to this Act who commits any of the following offences, namely:.

a.      absents himself without leave; or

b.     without sufficient cause overstays leave granted to him; or

c.      being on leave of absence and having received information from the appropriate authority that any battalion or part thereof or any other unit of the Force, to which he belongs, has been ordered on active duty, fails, without sufficient cause, to rejoin without delay; or

d.     without sufficient cause fails to appear at the time fixed at the parade or place appointed for exercise or duty; or

e.      when on parade, or on the line of march, without sufficient cause or without leave from his superior officer, quits the parade or line of march; or

f.      when in camp or elsewhere, is found beyond any limits fixed or in any place prohibited, by any general, local or other order, without a pass or written leave from his superior officer; or

g.     without leave from his superior officer or without due cause, absents himself from any school or training institution when duly ordered to attend there, shall, on conviction by a Force Court, be liable to suffer imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned.


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