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The Recycling of Ships Act, 2019

[Act No. 49 of 2019]

[13th December, 2019.]

Title Recycling of Ships Act, 2019
Sections Particulars
Chapter I Preliminary
1. Short title, commencement and application
2. Definitions
Chapter II Authorities under The Act
3. Designation of National Authority
4. Designation of Competent Authority
Chapter III Requirements for Ships
5. Non-application of provisions of this Chapter
6. Controls on hazardous materials
7. Surveys
8. Certificate on inventory of hazardous materials
9. Validity of certificate
10. Suspension or cancellation of certificate
Chapter IV Ship Recycling Facility
11. Authorisation of ship recycling facility
12. Ship recycling facility management plan and procedure for authorisation of ship recycling facility
13. Suspension or cancellation of authorisation
14. Emergency preparedness and response
15. Workers safety, training and insurance
Chapter V Process of Recycling of Ships
16. Ready for recycling certificate
17. Ship recycling plan
18. General requirements
19. Obligations on part of ship owner
20. Procedure for grant of permission for ship recycling
21. Safe and environmentally sound management of hazardous materials
22. Obligation on Ship Recycler to take measures for protection of environment
Chapter VI Reporting Requirements
23. Statement of completion
24. Report to National Authority
Chapter VII Appeals
25. Appeal against decision of Competent Authority
26. Appeal against decision of National Authority
Chapter VIII Powers and Functions of National Authority, Competent Authority and Central Government
27. Power to search and seize records, etc.
28. Power to inspect, dismiss, exclude or detain a ship
29. Power to exempt
30. Act not to apply to certain ships
Chapter IX Offences, Penalties and Compensation
31. Penalty for contravention of provisions of Act or rules or regulations
32. Penalty for contravention of provisions of this Act or rules or regulations for which no specific punishment is provided
33. Punishment for other offences
34. Offences by companies
35. Offences to be non-congnizable, bailable and compoundable
36. Cognizance of Offences
37. Amount payable by owner, master or agent
38. Place of trial and jurisdiction of court
39. Compensation
Chapter X Miscellaneous
40. Delegation of powers
41. Act not in derogation of any other law
42. Power to make rules
43. Power to make regulations
44. Laying of rules and regulations
45. Protection of action taken in good faith
46. Removal of difficulties

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