Patents Act, 1970
87. Certain patents deemed to be endorsed with the words
"licenses of right"
(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act-
(a) every patent in force at the commencement
of this Act in respect of invention relating to-
(i) substances used or capable of being used
as food or as medicine or drug;
(ii) the methods of processes for the
manufacture or production of any such substances as is referred to in
sub-clause (i);
(iii) the methods of processes for the
manufacture or production of chemical substances (including alloys, optical
glass, semi-conductors and inter-metallic compounds), shall be deemed to be
endorsed with the words "licenses of right" from the commencement of
this Act or from the expiration of three years from the date of sealing of the
patent under the Indian Patents and Designs Act, 1911, (2 of 1911), whichever
is later; and
(b) every patent granted after the commencement
of this Act in respect of any such invention as is referred to in section 5
shall be deemed to be endorsed with the words "licenses of right"
from the date of expiration of three years from the date of sealing of the
(2) In respect of every patent which is deemed to be enforced
with the words "licenses of right" under this section, the provisions
of section 88 shall apply.