Patents Act, 1970
159. Power of Central Government to make rules
(1) The Central Government ma by notification on the Official
Gazette, make rules for carrying out the purposes of this Act.
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of the forgoing power,
the Central Government may make rules to provide for all or any of the
following matters, namely,-
(i) the form and manner in which any
application for a patent, any specifications or drawings and any other
application or document may be filed in the patent office;
(ii) the time within which any act or thing
may be done under this Act, including the manner in which and the time within
which any matter may be advertised under this Act;
(iii) the fees which may be payable under this
Act and the manner of payment of such fees;
(iv) the matters in respect of which the
examiner may make a report to the Controller;
(v) the form of request for the sealing of a
(vi) the form and manner in which and the time
within which any notice may be given under this Act;
(vii) the provisions which may be inserted in
an order for restoration of a patent for the protection of persons who may have
availed themselves of the subject-matter of the patent after the patent had
(viii) the establishment of branch offices of
the patent office, and the regulation generally of the business of the patent
office, including its branch offices;
(ix) the maintenance of the register of
patents and the matters to be entered therein;
(x) the matters in respect of which the
Controller shall have powers of a civil court;
(xi) the time when and the manner in which the
register and any other document open to inspection may be inspected under this
(xii) the qualifications of, and the
preparation of a roll of, scientific advisers for the purpose of section 115;
(xiii) the manner in which any compensation
for acquisition by government of an invention may be paid;
(xiv) the manner in which the register of
patent agents may be maintained; the conduct of qualifying examinations for
patent agents; and matters connected with their practice and conduct, including
the taking of disciplinary proceedings against patent agents for misconduct;
(xv) the regulation of the making, printing,
publishing and selling of indexes to, and abridgments of specifications and
other documents in the patent office, and the inspection of indexes and
abridgments and other documents;
(xvi) any other matter which has to be or may
be prescribed.
(3) The power to make rules under this section shall be subject
to condition of the rules being made after previous publication.