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Parsi Marriage and Divorce Act, I936

Foot Notes

1. This Act has been extended to Berar by the Berar Laws Act, 1941 (4 of 1941) and to Dadra and Nagar Haveli by Reg. 6 of 1963, section 2 and Schedule I, w.e.f. 1st July, 1965. Applies to Pondicherry wit certain modifications in section 1.

2. Substituted by Act No. 3 of 1951.

3. Substituted by the Adaptation of Laws (No. 3) Order, 1956, for the words "Part B States".

4. Inserted by Act No. 26 of 1968.

5. Appointed date is 22nd. June, 1936; see GOI, 1936, Pt. I, p. 621.

6. Section 3 re-numbered as sub-section (1) thereof by Act No. 5 of 1988, w.e.f. 15th. April, 1988.

7. Substituted by section 2, Act No. 5 of 1988, for former clause (c), w.e.f. 15th April, 1988.

8. Inserted by Act No. 5 of 1988, w.e.f. 15th April, 1988.

9. Repealed by this Act.

10. The words "or their fathers or guardians when they shall not have completed the age of twenty-one years" omitted by Act No. 5 of 1988, section 3, w.e.f. 15th April, 1988.

11. Substituted by Act No. 5 of 1988, for the words "by seven delegates", w.e.f. 15th April, 1988.

12. Inserted by Act No. 5 of 1988, w.e.f. 15th April, 1988.

13. Substituted by Act No. 5 of 1988, for the words "Three", w.e.f. 15th April, 1988.

14. Inserted by Act No. 5 of 1988, w.e.f. 15th April, 1988.

15. Substituted by Act No. 3 of 1951, for the words "Part A States and Part C States".

16. Substituted by Act No. 5 of 1988, for the words "three years", w.e.f. 15th April, 1988.

17. Omitted by Act No. 5 of 1988, w.e.f. 15th April, 1988.

18. Clause (i) omitted by Act No. 5 of 1988, w.e.f. 15th April, 1988.

19. Substituted by Act No. 5 of 1988, for section 38, w.e.f. 15th April, 1988.

20. Substituted by Act No. 5 of 1988, for sections 39 and 40, w.e.f. 15th April, 1988.

21. Substituted by Act No. 5 of 1988, for section 43, w.e.f. 15th April, 1988.

22. Substituted by Act No. 5 of 1988, for the words "five", w.e.f. 15th April, 1988.

23. Section 47 re-numbered as sub-section (1) thereof by Act No. 5 of 1988, section 18, w.e.f. 15th April, 1988.

24. The word "hereby" omitted by section 19, Act No. 5 of 1988, w.e.f.15th April, 1988.

25. Substituted by Act No. 5 of 1988, for the words "sixteen years", w.e.f. 15th April, 1988.

26. Substituted by the A.O. 1950, for the words and figure "section 107 of the Government of India Act".

27. Substituted by Act No. 36 of 1957, for the words "that section".


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