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The National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences, Bangalore Act, 2012

[Act No. 38 of 2012]

[13th September, 2012.]

Title The National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences, Bangalore Act, 2012
Sections Particulars
1. Short title and commencement
2. Declaration of National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences, Bangalore, as an institution of national importance
3. Definitions
4. Incorporation of Institute
5. Composition of Institute
6. Term of office of and vacancies among members
7. Powers and functions of President
8. Vice-President of Institute
9. Allowances of President, Vice-President and other members
10. Meetings of Institute
11. Governing Body and other committees of Institute
12. Staff of Institute
13. Objects of Institute
14. Functions of Institute
15. Vesting of property
16. Payment to Institute
17. Fund of Institute
18. Budget of Institute
19. Accounts and audit
20. Annual report
21. Pension and provident funds
22. Authentication of orders and instruments of Institute
23. Acts and proceedings not to be invalidated by vacancies, etc
24. Grant of medical degrees, diplomas, etc., by Institute
25. Recognition of medical qualifications granted by Institute
26. Control by Central Government
27. Resolution of differences
28. Returns and information
29. Transfer of service of existing employees
30. Power to make rules
31. Power to make regulations
32. Laying of rules and regulations before Parliament
33. Power to remove difficulties

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