Indian Telegraph Act, 1885
[13 of 1885, dt. 22nd. July, 1885]
Contents |
Sections |
Particulars |
Part I |
Preliminary |
1 |
Short title, local extent and commencement |
2 |
Repeal and saving |
3 |
Definitions |
Part II |
Privileges And
Powers Of The Government |
4 |
Exclusive privilege in respect of telegraphs, and power to grant licenses |
5 |
Power for government to take possession of licensed telegraphs and to order interception of messages |
6 |
Power to establish telegraph on land of railway company |
6A |
Power to notify rates for transmission of messages to countries outside India
7 |
Power to make rules for the conduct of telegraphs |
7A |
Saving of existing agreements |
7B |
Arbitration of disputes. |
8 |
Revocation of licenses |
9 |
Government not responsible for loss or damage |
Part III |
Power To Place Telegraph Lines And Posts |
10 |
Power for telegraph authority to place and maintain telegraph lines and posts |
11 |
Power to enter on property in order to repair or remove telegraph lines or posts |
Provisions Applicable To Property Vested In Or Under The Control Or Management Of Local Authorities |
12 |
Power for local authority to give permission under section 10, clause (c), subject to conditions |
13 |
Power for local authority to require removal or alteration of telegraph line or post |
14 |
Power to alter position of gas or water pipes or drains |
15 |
Disputes between telegraph authority and local authority |
Provisions Applicable To Other Property |
16 |
Exercise of powers conferred by section 10, and disputes as to compensation, in case of property other than that of a local authority |
17 |
Removal or alteration of telegraph 1ine or post, on property other than that of a local authority |
Provisions Applicable To All Property |
18 |
Removal of trees interrupting telegraphic communication |
19 |
Telegraph lines and posts placed before the passing of this Act |
19A |
Person exercising legal right likely to damage telegraph or interfere with
telegraphic communication to give notice |
19B |
Power to confer upon licensee powers of telegraph authority under this Part |
Part IV |
Penalties |
20 |
Establishing, maintaining or working unauthorized telegraph |
20A |
Breach of condition of license |
21 |
Using unauthorized telegraphs |
22 |
Opposing establishment of telegraphs on railway land |
23 |
Intrusion into signal-room, trespass in telegraph office or obstruction |
24 |
Unlawfully attempting to learn contents of messages |
25 |
Intentionally damaging or tampering with telegraphs |
25A |
Injury to or interference with a telegraph line or post |
26 |
Telegraph officer or other official making away with or altering, or unlawfully intercepting or disclosing messages, or divulging purport of signals |
27 |
Telegraph officer fraudulently sending messages without payment |
28 |
Misconduct |
29 |
[Omitted by Act 33
of 1971, w.e.f. 10-8-1971] |
29A |
Penalty |
30 |
Retaining a message delivered by mistake |
31 |
Bribery |
32 |
Attempts to commit offences |
Part V |
Provisions |
33 |
Power to employ additional police in places where mischief to telegraphs is
repeatedly committed |
34 |
Application of Act to Presidency-towns |
35 |
Reference to certain laws of Part B States |
An Act to amend the law relating to telegraphs in India
Whereas it is expedient to amend the law relating to telegraphs in India;
It is hereby enacted as follows:-