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The Destructive Insects and Pests Act, 1914

3. Power of Central Government to regulate or prohibit the import of articles likely to infect.-

(1) The Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, prohibit or regulate, subject to such restrictions and conditions as it may impose, the import into 15[India], or any part thereof, or any specified place therein, of any article or class of articles likely to cause infection to any crop 16[or of insects generally or any class of insects].

(2) A notification under this section may specify any article or class of articles 16[or any insect or class of insects], either generally or in any particular manner, whether with reference to the country of origin or the route by which imported or otherwise.

1[(3) The Central Government may, by notification under this section, also levy and collect such fees at such rates and in such manner as may be specified therein for making an application for a permit to import, or for making inspection, fumigation, disinfection, disinfestation or supervision of, any article or class of articles of any insect or class of insects under this section].

15. Subs. by Act 3 of 1951, s. 3 and the Schedule for "the said territories".

16. Ins. by Act 6 of 1938, s. 4.

1. Ins. by Act 12 of 1992, s. 2 (w.e.f. 27-10-1989).

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