Companies Act, 2013
by Central Governemnt of its powers and functions.
1. The Central
Government may, by notification, and subject to such conditions, limitations
and restrictions as may be specified therein, delegate any of its powers or
functions under this Act other than the power to make rules to such authority
or officer as may be specified in the notification:
that the powers to enforce the provisions contained in section 194 and section
195 relating to forward dealing and insider trading shall be delegated to
Securities and Exchange Board for listed companies or the companies which
intend to get their securities listed and in such case, any officer authorised
by the Securities and Exchange Board shall have the power to file a complaint
in the court of competent jurisdiction.
2. A copy of every
notification issued under sub-section (1 ) shall, as soon as may be after
it is issued, be laid before each House of Parliament.