The Advocates' Welfare Fund Act, 2001
Chapter IV Recognition of any Association of Advocates
16. Recognition by a State Bar Council of any association of advocates.-
1. Any association of advocates known by any name which is registered as an association before the date of commencement of this Act may, before the date to be notified by a State Bar Council in this behalf, apply for recognition to the State Bar Council in such form as may be prescribed.
2. Any association of advocates known by any name which is registered as an association on or after the date of commencement of this Act may, within three months from the date of its registration as an association, apply for recognition to the State Bar Council in such form as may be prescribed.
3. Every application for recognition under sub-section (1) or sub-section (2) shall be accompanied by,-
a. a copy of the rules or bye-laws of the association;
b. names and addresses of office bearers of the association;
c. a list of members of the association containing the name, address, age, enrolment number and date of enrolment with the State Bar Council and the ordinary place of practice of each member.
4. The State Bar Council may, after such enquiry as it deems necessary, recognize the association and issue a certificate of recognition in such form as may be prescribed.
5. The decision of the State Bar Council on any matter regarding recognition of an association under sub-section (4) shall be final. Explanation.-In this section, "registered" means registered or deemed to be registered under the societies Registration Act, 1860 (21 of 1860) or any other law for the time being in force.