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Gift in Consideration of Marriage

This deed of settlement is made at ............ On this ............... Day of ....…………....,2000, between a son of b resident of ............... (hereinafter called "the settlor") of the one part and shri c son of shri ......... Resident of .......... (hereinafter called "the beneficiary") of the other part.

WHEREAS the Settlor is the exclusive owner of the property, more particularly described in the Schedule hereto and hereinafter called the said property.

And Whereas at the request of the Settlor, the beneficiary has agreed to marry the daughter of Settlor Kum. .............. on ............... according to Hindu rites.

Now This Deed Witnesseth As Follows:

1.      That in consideration of the said marriage, the Settlor hereby transfers, conveys, grants and assures unto and to the use of the beneficiary all that property more particularly described in the Schedule hereto, to hold the same to the beneficiary as absolute owner, subject to the following conditions.

2.      That the beneficiary hereby covenants with the Settlor that on failure of the said marriage, the beneficiary shall reconvey the said property to the Settlor at his own costs.

3.      That the physical possession of the said property has been delivered by the Settlor to the beneficiary.

4.      That the estimated value of the property hereby transferred is Rs . ...........

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have set their hands to this on the day and year first above mentioned.

The Schedule above referred to

(Particulars of the property to be transferred)

Signed and delivered by the within named Settlor

Signed and delivered by the within named beneficiary





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